Blast Mitigation Analysis and Design


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Blast Mitigation Analysis and Design

Blast Mitigation Analysis and Design

Blast Analysis of Structures

Protect your facility and personnel against blast-related hazards.

  • Explosion Modeling
  • Flammable and Toxic Dispersion Modeling
  • Protective Design
  • Shelter-in-Place and Evacuation Assessments

Blast Analysis and Explosive Hazards

The ability to realistically assess blast-related hazards and provide effective mitigation strategies is crucial to a broad range of industries including, government entities, land use planning and oil, gas and chemical and manufacturing facilities.

At Õ¬Äе¼º½, we have a global team of dedicated specialists who use advanced simulation tools to model the dynamic response of structures and equipment to blast overpressure, fragment impact and blast-generated debris. No matter the cause of the explosion, our experts can work to understand the realistic risk consequences and support your organization in finding the most effective mitigation strategies to suit its needs. We perform blast testing services to validate modeling methods or proof-test protective structures, windows and doors with our Shock Tube Testing facility based in San Antonio, TX.

Blast Mitigation Analysis and Design Services

We provide a range of services to support organizations in understanding the impacts of blast loading on structures and work collaboratively with clients to produce mitigation measures to help protect their facilities and personnel against blast-related hazards.

Our Capabilities

Protective Design

Protective Design

Using the built environment to protect your organization against both man-made and natural hazards is a crucial step in managing your risk. Our team of protective design engineers helps clients to understand vulnerabilities to buildings and other critical infrastructure for a range of hazards and how to implement rational cost-effective mitigation strategies.

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Fragment Analysis

Fragment Analysis

In the event of an explosion, fragment analysis can be used to predict fragment velocity and fragment damage/penetration to a target. After the initial velocity is determined, using empirical evidence and theoretical calculations, trajectory calculations determine the potential velocity and range at impact. Finally, penetration calculations can help determine the vulnerability of structures and equipment. 

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Shelter In Place

Shelter-In-Place and Evacuation Assessments

Emergency response planning may direct personnel in some buildings to shelter-in-place (SIP) during a toxic/flammable release. To qualify candidate buildings as shelter-in-place, it is crucial that you perform sufficient modeling and testing to fully understand the baseline risk. Õ¬Äе¼º½ uses the following three (3) stage approach to provide our clients the answers to these questions:

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Anti-Terrorism and Force Protection

Anti-Terrorism and Force Protection

With threat levels around the world remaining significant, protecting your organization against terror events is becoming increasingly important. Our physical security consultants can support the oil, gas and chemical sectors, government entities and other organizations to understand the minimum physical security standards for their threat level.

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Thermal Modeling and Simulation Services

Modeling and Simulation Services

Õ¬Äе¼º½ offers a range of explosion, thermal and dispersion modeling and simulation services to provide clients with a clear visualization of the extent of cloud reach. From Vapor Cloud Explosions (VCE), Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosions (BLEVEs), pressure vessel ruptures and other energetic events to thermal radiation contours and blast contour loading on structures, Õ¬Äе¼º½ has deep experience modeling explosions, performing explosion testing and investigating explosion accidents.

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Blast Chamber Design and Explosion Modeling

Blast Chamber Design

We consider computational blast and structural modeling capabilities integral to the analysis and design of explosion containment chambers. We have also performed explosion testing to assess the blast capacity of chambers

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Risk Based Assessments

Risk Based Assessments

Õ¬Äе¼º½ uses Quantitative Risk Assessments and numerical modeling methods to identify and correctly quantify the consequences of energetic events to give our clients a correct understanding of the exposures to their personnel and property.

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Blast Effects Testing

Blast Effects Testing

Õ¬Äе¼º½ provides explosion testing services to support a variety of programs for commercial and defense related clients. These services include structural testing, testing in support of product development and test programs in support of R&D activities. We have developed and operate one of the largest shock tube test facilities in the world.

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Related Services 

Physical Security Risk Management

By combining engineering and security expertise with a comprehensive understanding of both regulatory requirements and the industries we serve, our team has helped clients control security risks while at the same time reducing operations and maintenance costs. Solutions include:

  • Engineering-based physical SVAs
  • Mitigation measures development
  • Force-on-force exercise support
  • Emergency response planning

Facility Siting Services

Over the years, as industries needed to evaluate the potential impact of explosion, fire and toxic hazards to occupied buildings, Õ¬Äе¼º½ developed and expanded facility siting services to such a degree they’ve had an impact on industry recommended practices, even affecting EPA and OSHA regulations. Our full service solution includes, among others:

  • Flammable dispersion modeling
  • Explosion modeling
  • Building damage assessment
  • Prediction of hazards to building occupants
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